BrainGain 1 Bottle

  • Saless Rank: #276201 in Health and Beauty
  • Brand: Algonot
  • Ingredients: Berberine - Supports Brain Health, CognitiveFunction and Healthy Immune Function - helpsprevent oxidation damage to biomolecules in the brain,inhibits enzymes which breakdown important memorymolecules, reduces peptides that interfere with propermemory function and lowers lipids that interfere withcerebral blood flow. It may also support removal of"bio- film" allowing microorganisms to resistantibiotics.Biotin - Also known as vitamin H, is a B-complexvitamin, which is important in support of cell growthand proper metabolism of essential fatty acids. Itsupports healthy function of brain neurons. It alsosupports healthy gastrointestinal function and maypromote a healthy gut flora, shown to improve brainfunction.Folinic Acid - It is known to support cognitivefunction as well as the production of new brain cells.Hydroxytyrosol - It is believed to be the most powerfulantioxidant. Considerable evidence shows it promotescognitive function and memory.Luteolin (Pureolin®) - A naturally occurring moleculeknown as flavonoid. It is an antioxidant that reduces freeradicals. It also promotes inhibition of mast cell andmicroglial activation, which is involved in braininflammation.Olive Kernel Extract - It is the natural, unprocessed, lowacidicextract of the olive fruit. This unsaturated oil, richer inantioxidants, promotes healthier brain and cardiac function.It also substantially increases the absorbability of allingredients in the Algonot Family of NutraceuticalsSelenium - It supports normal development andprotection of brain cells.

  • BrainGain® (90 soft gel capsules) - All natural, dietary supplement.
  • Exclusive combination of the purist natural ingredients. Full list below in product description.
  • The unique patented formulas behind Algonot's family of nutraceuticals predicated on research under he guidance of an expert scientific Advisory Board.
  • All of our formulations contain natural unprocessed Olive Kernel Extract. Meeting our customer's needs for purity, safety and label honesty is our priority. Laboratory testing certifies and ures that our ingredients pure, safe and in proper
  • While some benefit may be noticed shortly after starting BrainGain, it may take months before measurable benefits observed. NeuroProtek¨ does not require a prescription. BrainGain is not a cure. BrainGain is not an gesic.

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